Credit Info

Streamline new customer validations with Lime CRM’s Creditsafe integration, offering straightforward credit checks and clear rating indicators for informed business decisions​.

Sync Lime CRM with your Credit Template from Creditsafe! In the Credit Template, you set your own framework for what is an “approved” or “non-approved” rating. Approved ratings appear in Lime CRM as thumbs up, failed as thumbs down.

  • Credit checks are displayed in the Action pad.
  • The points “fade away” over time and disappear normally after 365 days if not updated prior.
  • Obtain a credit rating with a simple click and save it to the company card with a date label attached.
  • Possibility to display and filter by rating in the table view.

For global company data, we support Connect from Creditsafe. Connect works for you in Sweden, Norway, Finland or Denmark and helps you research companies in other countries.

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