If you don’t know what’s going on in your company, it’s hard to know if you are doing the right things. By having and (not to forget!) measuring goals and KPIs, you can:

  • Monitor activity levels, such as sales calls or customer visits over a 30-day period.
  • Follow up on budget, based on targets for order intake and total business value over a month.
  • Ability to measure on multiple types of activities. Set up new KPIs with your own administrator, to easily adapt the Goal tracking extension to what is important to you.

Being able to quickly spot negative trends in your business, and take action, will make you more profitable over time. It doesn’t matter if you’re a CEO, manager, or salesperson. Being able to get a visual overview of how you’re doing towards your goals allows you to act quickly.

As a manager, you can measure the progress of your entire team or individuals, and as a salesperson, you can choose to see how you’re doing.

  • Quickly create and configure KPIs in the Lime CRM admin interface.
  • Set individual targets based on these KPIs.
  • Track KPIs and compare them over different time periods.
  • Track your team’s progress and compare with the summarised KPIs.
  • Drill down on the KPIs for each individual employee.
  • See KPIs and progress for specific employees or all KPIs and overall progress.

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