Desktop, Webclient
Lime Technologies, vloxq
92% of all decision makers lack necessary information to make buying decisions. Meanwhile, sales reps spend on average 65% of their time on admin and other none-value adding tasks. With vloxq you get error free proposals with the right combination of products, explained with dynamic text and pictures and always with your desired prices and margins. As simple as that!

Error free proposals
vloxq is a plug-n-play CPQ integrated in your Lime CRM ecosystem. Products and current pricelist are automatically updated in vloxq. Your sales rep can create error free sales documents (quotes, proposals, contracts etc) in minutes. Predefined rules and guidelines will ensure that your sales organization increase your average deal size, stick to your desired margins and free valuable time for every sales rep.
Ease your customer’s purchase
The complexity of your customer’s purchase process is steadily increasing, and more stakeholders are usually involved than in the past. How do you ensure all the relevant decision makers understand the full value that your company and services bring? With vloxq you get quality-assured proposals with all information needed to make it easier for your customer to say yes. All in line with your company brand.

This is how it works
We know your sales reps should be using your CRM, so all the information needed is automatically synced between Lime, vloxq and if needed, your ERP. Examples of data being synchronised are: company data, contact information, product information, deal value, deal status, and sales documents generated ( such as proposal, order confirmation and agreement).
Other smooth features include:
- vloxq knows the logic for what product combinations and package you prefer to sell and to whom.
- vloxq support predefined rules for margins, approval flows and customer pricelist.
- vloxq’s predefined rules is applicable for need analysis and guidelines of what customer story is best suited to enable the proposal to be finalized within minutes.
- All sales documents are gathered in one place available with the latest updates, all in line with your company brand.