Skellefteå Kraft

The energy company Skellefteå Kraft uses Lime CRM to simplify for both customers and colleagues. And with several awards under their belt, it seems to be a successful concept!

Awarded for their customer service

Skellefteå Kraft is the energy company that delivers energy to businesses and individuals throughout Sweden. They have won awards for the best customer service in the energy industry several years in a row. Something they themselves attribute to always being there for each other and having a close relationship with their customers.

– All my colleagues really have the customer at heart. We care about all customers and also feel empathy when they are having a tough time. We are very personal and want to have a good close relationship with the customers, says Rebecca Buhr, administrator for customer service at Skellefteå Kraft.

– The ticketing management also makes it much easier for us, it works very well in Lime.

Order and organisation

At Skellefteå Kraft, most people work with Lime CRM in one way or another, even if some hardly even know it.

– Lime CRM is so interconnected with several support systems, Frida Bergkvist, strategic communicator at Skellefteå Kraft, explains.

Areas that Skellefteå Kraft uses Lime CRM for include case management, business management, and ordering of electric car charging and solar panels.

Lime’s ticketing management is all about establishing order, and avoiding both that a case falls through the cracks, and that several colleagues are working on the same case without knowing it.

Lime CRM has a tailored ticketing management solution for the energy industry.

Skellefteå Kraft uses, among other things, a checklist that is one of our most used industry features, where you enter your core processes and can easily take steps and ensure that nothing is overlooked, says Svante Holm at Lime, who works closely with Skellefteå Kraft.

In Lime CRM, Skellefteå Kraft sees statistics that help them find areas where they can improve, and they save time by simplifying several processes, both internally in the company and for their customers. Above all, Lime creates an overview and control so that they do not duplicate work.

When it comes to Skellefteå Kraft’s CRM journey forward, they focus on automating, to facilitate for both customers and colleagues.

Areas they want to automate include forms where the customer can place orders and receive quotes themselves, something they are developing in close cooperation with Lime.

– We want our systems and customer interfaces to do as much as possible on their own without manual handling. We should not need an intermediary between e.g. a form on the web and our customer system. If a customer wants to perform certain activities, they should be able to do it completely on their own, when and how they want. We are not there yet, but that’s where we want to go, says Frida Bergkvist.

3 other areas where Lime CRM simplifies for Skellefteå Kraft:

  • They avoid switching between Lime CRM and Outlook, thanks to the ability to integrate emails into Lime CRM.
  • They can perform credit checks directly from Lime CRM.
  • They can send cases to other departments via Lime CRM.

Important values in a software supplier, according to Skellefteå Kraft:

  • Speed
  • Opportunity to change and improve
  • Good contact
  • Quick feedback from the supplier

Now it’s your turn

Curious to learn more about Skellefteå Kraft’s solution and how you can achieve similar results?

About Skellefteå Kraft:

Skellefteå Kraft is one of Sweden’s five largest electricity producers and the largest among municipally owned power companies. With a foundation in hydropower, they produce and deliver energy to businesses and individuals across Sweden.