Welcome to the new colourful Lime brand!

Today, we are beyond thrilled to reveal our new brand platform and refreshed identity, which reflect the essence of our company and values.  

Adapting to Change 

In the face of our international expansion and growing product portfolio, we realized it was time to adapt and refresh our brand. Just as the market landscape and our product offering have evolved over the years – our brand has to evolve too! 

This evolution marks an exciting moment as we continue our growth journey across Europe where our Lime brand is the glue that keeps us and our products together.  

Purpose-Driven Evolution 

Our brand refresh is not purely a cosmetic makeover, it’s rooted in purpose and driven by our vision.   

Our brand is what makes Lime, Lime. It’s much more than our logo, it’s the promise we make to you as a customer. It’s our unique identity, our personality, our way of doing things.

The Importance of Customer Experience 

The one thing all companies need is customers. No customers, no company. 

That’s why the customer experience is so important. A bad customer experience both makes you lose customers and makes it a lot harder to find new ones. Bad customer experiences can ruin even the best business, a lose-lose situation for both customer and company. 

Since over 30 years we’ve made it our mission to help companies create great customer experiences through customer journeys that exceed expectations right from the start, and hopefully never end. We’re all about helping you get your customers to fall (and stay) in love with you. Because great customer journeys build great businesses and gives you a competitive edge.  

Empowering Customer Relationships 

Today we offer spot-on software combined with expertise that together helps companies attract, nurture, grow and keep a loyal customer base. Creating customer heroes and making everyone’s day-to-day life just a little bit better.  

Lime is more than what you get, it’s also how you get it. Since we love great customer experiences, we take great pride in our own. We do this by being positive, easy-going, approachable – and a bit colourful for sure. 

This is what our refreshed brand stand for.  

Enough said. Welcome to join this journey with us!  

Introducing Lime Connect and Lime Sportadmin  

Today we also welcome our latest products Userlike and SportAdmin into the Lime brand umbrella. Userlike is now Lime Connect and SportAdmin is, Lime Sportadmin. Lime Connect is an all-in-one communication platform for digital consultancy, combining AI, website chat and customer messaging and has been part of the Lime group since 2021. Lime Sportadmin is part of Lime group since January 2024 and is an all-in-one-solution for sport clubs, teams and members within administration, membership management, communication and payments. 

More to come 

Moving forward we will implement our fresh identity step by step across our channels and product portfolio throughout 2024, making the process as smooth as possible for our customers and prospects.

Stay tuned. 

What are you waiting for?

There’s no time to waste! Let’s find the solution that will help you get more customers and turn existing ones into loyal ambassadors today.